Our Blessed Mother and the Apostles were experiencing a bit of quarantining themselves as they waited in the Upper Room for the coming of the Holy Spirit as promised by our Lord. The climate was quite hostile at this point for the followers of Christ. The Apostles were frightened, confused, and anxious. The presence of our Blessed Mother was no doubt a great source of comfort and strength for them as she was for her Son during His passion and crucifixion. We have journeyed with Mary during our time of quarantining in a special way as well this month. How signifiant that we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the very last day of her month which happens to be by God's grace, the Feast of the Visitation. That same Holy Spirit which overshadowed our Blessed Mother bringing about the Incarnation, the moment when God became Man, is the same Spirit that came upon the Apostles and each of us at Baptism and Confirmation. The gifts we receive from the Holy Spirit allow us to imitate the joy, courage, and eagerness of the Blessed Mary as she made haste with the Son of God in her womb to visit her cousin Elizabeth. By the power of that same Holy Spirit, we carry the Lord within us as well. Let us also go forth to "visit" one another with the gift of Christ. In this way we continue the work that began at Pentecost, when the Apostles filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit, burst forth from the Upper Room preaching, teaching, healing, and baptizing in the name of Christ.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love.