The members of this council oversee the evangelization efforts of the parish, make sure that everything we do as a parish is connected with our mission to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord, and develop a plan of action to bring the Good News to those who have not heard it and to deepen it within those who have.
Finance Council
The Parish Finance Council is mandated by Canon Law and is independent of the Parish Council, though the chairperson of the Parish Finance Council serves as a member of the Parish Council. The Parish Finance Council is a consultative group of lay parishioners who help the pastor exercise proper stewardship by giving him advice about financial planning, analysis and compliance with policy. It is advisory to the pastor, and its recommendations are valid only when accepted by the pastor. Major responsibilities include assisting the pastor with creation of an annual budget, making sure that required Financial Reporting to the Archdiocese, Parish Council and parish community is completed in an accurate and timely manner, ensuring that the necessary financial controls are in place, and that the assets of the parish are safeguarded from loss or damage.
Parish Council
This body of parish members advises the pastor on issues related to the governance and maintenance of the parish. The council is made up of the following teams or subcommittees:
Adult Faith Formation
Parish Building and Grounds
Parish Outreach
Social Moral Action Response Team
Special Events and Activities
Spirituality and Liturgy
Young Adult Ministry
Youth Ministry
If you are interested in serving on any of these councils please contact the pastor by calling the parish office or by clicking on the button below.
We are looking to put together a group of parishioners with the interest and background to be a part of organizing and running programs to provide faith formation for adults. Currently at St. Anthony’s we offer a Bible study program for women called Walking with Purpose and R.C.I.A. for adults interested in receiving the sacraments of the Catholic Church. We would like to put together a team to initiate and run the following programs: Baptismal Preparation Program, Marriage Preparation Program, an English as a Second Language Program, Bible Study groups, spirituality and formation groups for men and women, a Catechism study group, and others. If you are interested in helping out in any way or have ideas of your own, please reach out!
Social and Moral Action Response Team (SMART)
After prayer, discussion, and discernment, this team would meet to plan our response as the Roman Catholic Church of Saint Anthony of Padua to the many challenges in our secular world to all that we as a Catholic family of faith hold sacred. Some of these issues would be abortion, discrimination, inequality, end of life issues, religious persecution, violence, human trafficking, poverty, and many other concerns that are, sadly, too numerous to list here. With the dignity of so many lives being threatened in so many ways by our culture of death, we have a moral obligation to respond in the name of our Lord and in the Franciscan spirit of our patron, Saint Anthony of Padua.
Parish Buildings and Grounds Team (PB&G Team)
This group of parishioners would assess, oversee, and manage the repair, maintenance, and upkeep of our parish buildings and grounds. This team would also be tasked with the planning and managing of parish projects. Parishioners with any experience with trades, facility management, and/or project management would be perfect for the job!
Parish Outreach Team (POT)
This team of parishioners would plan, oversee, and organize all of our outreach efforts here at St. Anthony’s. This could include any of the following and more: assessing and ministering to the needs of the sick and homebound, responding to the needs of the poor and needy here at home and around the world, bereavement ministry, offering or directing people to emergency services including AA, NA, the Salvation Army, and other support groups and agencies, support for Moms and Dads in need with regard to care for their newborn, coordinating with our Religious Education Program’s community service work, coordinating our parish Giving Tree Program, food drives, clothing drives, and outreach fundraisers, and coordinating with Catholic Charities and other local outreach programs and agencies.
Special Events and Activities Team (SEAT)
Social occasions are such an important part of our parish life. We would like to build a team to help plan and organize these events and activities here at St. Anthony’s. Events like the FESTA have been a long-standing tradition along with many others. Whether it is about bringing back some of the family favorites of the past or coming up with new ideas, this group will help St. Anthony’s to be both a spiritual and social center in our community. Parish trips, pilgrimages, dances, parish parties, breakfasts, Christmas and Easter activities for children, concerts, welcoming events for new parishioners, and many more are all possibilities!
Spirituality and Liturgy Team (SALT)
We would like to get a small team together to oversee the planning of our liturgies and spiritual devotions throughout the year. This would encompass our regular Mass schedule, special days of the liturgical year (such as Christmas, Easter, Marian Feasts, All Saints Day, and other Holy Days of Obligation), Eucharistic Adoration, our parish devotions, and other events and occasions. The oversight of the various liturgical ministries such as altar servers, lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, ministers of hospitality/ushers, and music ministers would also be a part of the work of this team.
Celebrating Faith Through Culture CFTC
Evangelization is an important part of our mission as a Catholic Church. Building up the our Church, the Body of Christ, through participation at Mass is at the heart of every evangelization effort.
God chose to reveal Himself through the uniqueness of each person, each family, each community, and each culture. Each is a unique and indispensable expression of God. We must, therefore, treasure and preserve this gift. The comparison to what happens when light hits a diamond may help to illustrate this point. The light (God) shines upon the diamond (humanity). Each person and/or groups of persons (families, communities, and cultures) like the facet of a diamond reflect a particular aspect of God that could not be known in any other way.
By joining this team, you will help to explore ways that we can celebrate faith through culture as a way of coming to know God in a fuller and more complete way. If you are interested in working with a group of parishioners to help with this evangelization click on the button below.
If you are 18 through twenty/thirty something, please join us! This ministry aims to provide Catholic enrichment for young adults through spiritual, social, and outreach opportunities.
Youth Ministry Team
This team includes the Director/Coordinator of our Religious Education Program, the coordinator of our 8thgrade Edge Program, the coordinator of the Papa’s Pizzeria Program, the director of our CYO program, and any of the directors/leaders of other youth ministries and programs run or sponsored by St. Anthony’s. If you have an interest in working with this team regarding the overseeing, organizing, and planning of youth events and activities for our young people here at St. Anthony’s and in our local community, please contact us! Please check out our parish website as well to see if your skills and talents could be used to help with any of the programs that we already have in place for youth.
If you are interested in serving on one of these teams listed above, please contact the pastor by calling the parish office or clicking on the button below.
Greetings! The ministry of altar server is open to any young person through high school who has received his/her 1st Holy Communion. Please click below to let us know that you would like to serve.
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ Himself. Extraordinary ministers assist the priest in the distribution of the Eucharist at Masses, take the Eucharist to the homebound, and assist the clergy in other liturgical celebrations, providing nourishment for the spiritual well-being of the members of the assembly and for the development of their relationship with the Lord. The faithful who are ill are deprived of their rightful and accustomed place in the Eucharistic community. In bringing Communion to them, the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion represents Christ, and manifests faith and charity on behalf of the whole community toward those who cannot be present at the Eucharist.
The Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum, teaches us that the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist are to be regarded with the same reverence: “The Church has always venerated the divine Scriptures as she venerated the Body of the Lord, insofar as she never ceases, particularly in the sacred liturgy, to partake of the bread of life and to offer it to the faithful from the one table of the Word of God and the Body of Christ.” As a lector, a proclaimer of the Word, your ministry helps to facilitate the public prayer of the Church in the Liturgy of the Word. In imparting the Word of the Lord to the assembly, a lector feeds them with the Bread of Life, and provides nourishment for them to continue their life of prayer and to develop further their relationship with the Lord.
Liturgical music is described as the handmaiden of the liturgy. It enriches our worship and provides a way for us to express our prayers of praise and worship to God. Music ministry here at St. Anthony'strives to make use of the Church's great treasure of styles and musical traditions to enrich our liturgies. If you have a talent for singing and/or playing an instrument, please reach out! Music ministry is open to all ages from children through adults of all ages.
Our ushers serve at all weekend Masses and at other liturgical celebrations at our church. The ushers oversee the proceedings during Mass, take up offertory and special collections, distribute church bulletins, and record attendance. These dedicated individuals play an important role in the lifeblood of our parish, helping to ensure that we have the financial resources to carry out the many functions that constitute the work of our parish and the Church as a whole.
If you are interested in serving in any of these liturgical ministries, please contact the pastor by calling the parish office or by clicking on the button below.
The purpose of the Ave Maria Guild is to promote the spiritual and social interest of its members and to sponsor functions for the parish. The Ave Maria Guild meets on the 2nd Monday of the month.
Holy Rosary Society
The purose of the Holy Rosary Society is to promote the Spiritual Mysteries of the Holy Rosary so that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ. The mysteries of the Holy Rosary are designed to help focus are prayers on the life, ministry, and passion of our Lord.
Walking with Purpose
This is a Bible study group for women that meets on Wednesday evenings. This program is sposored by the Adult Faith Formation Team. Please click below for more information about the program and how to sign up.
If you are interested in joining any of these organizations, please contact the pastor by calling the parish office or by clicking on the button below.